Tuesday, 13 September 2011

What is a blog?

A blog is a special form of website which can be used like a journal online where you can post thoughts, ideas and work. It is a website that would require you to make your own account where you can sign in and out of your blog, which you can keep personal or you can share to other people. You can personalise a blog and make it your own to suit your personality and it is normally used to regularly keep other people, also interested in what you have to say or do, updated in what’s going on in your life by posting. Blogging can be used to connect to people and can even be used to find more people who have similar ideas and interests to you; you could also possibly make friends whilst running a blog. Blogs can have themes, such as a fan page for a band or actor you like, or it can just be a mixture of things, and there are a range of things you can usually post, such as text posts, images, quotes, video clips and even sound clips, to make sure you can express your every mood freely. Popular blog sites such as Blogger and Tumblr are aimed for all people, of all ages.

On the internet, there are hundreds of blogging sites which enable people to go and express their thoughts and ideas. Some of the most popular sites would be:
Blogger -
Tumblr - www.tumblr.com/
Wordpress - www.wordpress.com/
Live Journal - www.livejournal.com/
Twitter -
www.twitter.com/ (also could be classed as a social networking site)
Weebly -

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