Friday, 23 September 2011

Real Time Information System

Real time information, is information that is fed out automatically and quickly on a website, so that people are updated instantly on news or facts all on one site, which is carried out using a system thast can respond to imput immediately.

There are many websites that have real-time information on their page: the BBC website does this with their news updates, adding to them when recent news comes in. Heathrow airport also uses real-time information on the arrivals section of their website, updating all the different flights and when they are expected to land and at which terminal. Buses and train services can use RTI to tell when the bus/train is due at a sop by sending a signal to a satellite in space of it's location, this is then sent to a computer which calculates the time it'll take for the bus/train to reach the stop; then this is shown on a board for people to see. Stock websites and sites where the weather is shown, also are examples of real-time information. By updating these wesbites regularily with new infiormation, people can be kept up to date regularily and all on the same place, within a few minutes.

Advantages of RTI- exceptionally quick information
- updates 24/7 for people to be kept on the loop
- can allow mjaor transactions like stocks to work, which is a huge business
- very convinient for it to all be in one place
- it's a piece of techbnology which can improved on further.

Disadvantages of RTI- complex system which requires a super-loop which can be complicated to work
- there can be no interruptions, or the information being fed might not go through
- there must be someone to update all the information 24/7
- multiple informtation might get cluttered or not posted in chronological order


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