Wednesday, 18 January 2012

E - Books

Definition: An electronic file containing text of an existing book but in a more complex form. Most e-books are simply text but can also contain film clips or play music files. They do however come in many formats, each with its own benefits:
- Text e-books:

 the simplest form of an e-book which is just text in a linear form in one document. It’s easily searchable, editable and portable.

- Word e-books:
Word document books are stored in a single word-processed file which allows the user to change the content and layout of the page, as well as input hyperlinks and pictures. The files created tend to be quite large, especially when images are embedded but using this type of e-book is useful when you’re in a group that uses Microsoft Office software.

- Adobe PDF e-books:
usually store in a single PDF file and using this format has been overly successful due to all computers and software manuals now using this format. Websites which allow downloading enable people p download these PDFs which can contain newsletters, reports and articles which are easy to use and read. A PDF creator is required to make a PDF however, but there are a number of features which make it highly useful for making text files. It allows content, chapters and word searching to be enabled plus having dynamic zoom and hyperlinking; even passwords and digital signatures can be involved. Changing a small part of the PDF requires you to re-save the whole PDF

- Reader e-books: This stimulates reading a book as closely as possible and gives the reader access to other feature such as full-searching and book marking pages; there is even a feature which enables the book to read to you. Opening Reader opens your personal library which, when a book is selected, will take you o that book. Microsoft is not the only company to show off this format: Palm, Mobipocket also offer this concept. It works particularly well on POC,s, pocket PCS and PDAs.

Friday, 6 January 2012

The Digital Divide

For many of us, ICT is a necessity: we simply cannot function without it. Every day we encounter new technology which could impact our lives as well as come into contact with vital technology such as TVs, mobile phones and most importantly, computers and their internet access. In spite of our everyday involvement with technology, there are many of us which do not experience a chance to get in touch with technology and this creates a void between those who do use it and those who don’t.

 A simple definition for the digital divide would be the division of those who have access to technology and those who don’t – however it is not as simple as this. The divide is mainly between those who have the opportunity to use technologies such as PCs, the internet and mobile phones as well as those who are educated enough on this technology to be able to work it, and those who are less fortunate in these areas. It has been said in the UK alone, 17 million people are ‘digitally excluded’ and this scale only grows as we enter less developed countries such as India and Africa. The divide is impacted by many different factors some of which include social factors as well as geographical and technological, which prevent people from using devices and technology which could greatly benefit their lives.

The geographical factor of poverty greatly widens this digital divide. In developing countries, many people simply cannot afford to buy computers or phones which we take as a luxury in our first world climate. Money in these countries is usually spent on food or clean water, education or necessities for families. However in the third world, going on the internet or even typing on a computer to some has never been witnessed. Most people do not even know what a computer can do, let alone use it. The language barrier also causes problems; many websites on the internet are written purely in English and some countries have many distinctive languages which would be difficult to translate into. Many people less developed countries also cannot speak English, making many web-pages useless to them.

As mentioned before, many people simply lack the technology with 20% of the UK public not even owning a computer meaning the technological factors also affect the divide and 1 in 4 people have never used the internet. Some cannot afford to buy one with 38% of the public without an internet connection being unemployed and some just don’t think the internet is useful for them, despite there being many benefits for them using it. A lot of people also live in quite rural areas which cannot pick up a internet connection, unlike the inner city and suburb areas which can most likely pick up a connection enabling them to work and surf the net. This widens the divide greatly as it means that people just give up with trying to get into the modern age and seem to just stick to the basics, not exploring the possibilities of the internet and it’s benefits.

The huge amount of social factors also prevents a lot of people from using a computer or accessing the internet. Age is a huge factor which contributes to people not understanding technology. Younger generations have grown up with this technology, witnessing it advancing and them changing with it, even being taught about it in lessons at school. However, it would seem older generations have had to be thrown in to this almost alien technology and expected to cope with it, which is not always possible leaving them to simply give up with trying to understand it. Generations also seemed to be encouraged to use this technology, as it would seem that 90% of new jobs require computer skills. Older generations do not have technology aimed at them, which could leave them feeling like it isn’t meant for them anyway. Some may even think the internet isn’t for them or they don’t really benefit from it with 63% of over-65’s say they see no reason to get online. Disability also comes into creating a divide with it estimated that the disabled are half as likely to use technology like PCs and the internet. Despite many websites trying to aid the disabled on their websites by offering audio features and enlarging the text, it would still seem many people struggle to use technology. Mobile phones can prove almost impossible at times with their small screens and buttons.
The digital divide’s main drawback is the fact that it excludes many different circles of people who simply are not offered the chance to learn more about the technology or who were not educated properly about computers and the internet and phones. It is not the fault of the elderly that they have been subjected into quickly picking up this technology, nor is it the fault of the African children that they will never see a computer in their life purely for where they live; but these factors mean that these people lose out and as a result feel pushed away from this technology. A common phrase used is that they feel that technology ‘is not meant for them’, when technology should aim to suit everyone and everyone’s needs. Another drawback of the digital divide is that many people lose out on employment opportunities due to not being able to use the technology required for them as nearly every job going now implements technology. The effects of the divide do offer positive aspects: one being that those who do understand it are offered more attention and more chances to develop their knowledge by using tutorials and help guides found on the internet. They are able to fully benefit from this technology and feel the full power the internet can give them to aid their everyday lives. If the internet was modified to suit the needs of a visually impaired individual or all text was translated into the many different languages out there, it could reduce the enjoyment of the technology to those who use it most. There needs to be a balance in order for everyone to be able to enjoy technology with minimal negative effects.

It would seem that, despite the new technology produced every day, the digital divide would be narrowing by the day. It would seem that more developing countries are able to get connection to the internet now and more schemes are being set up such as the ‘telephone ladies’. The scheme allows small villages in Bangladesh to receive a loan to purchase a phone and then charge people a small fee to call relatives and loved ones, creating a small business and a win-win situation for both customer and the person owning the phone. Some schools open late to give internet access to both students and parents and some offer classes on how to use this technology, which can aid many people in gaining jobs and basic education on technology. Children are now being encouraged to help the older generation with their technology, teaching them how to open and search on an internet browser as well as use email and even Skype, the popular online service. Digital Divide Data (DDD) has also been set up to teach the disabled to use technology which often results in them getting into a university and higher education, subsequently offering them more job prospects. These ventures as well as others, although small, gradually are managing to bridge the gap for those affected by the digital divide. More concepts that could aim to close the divide could be setting up small internet cafe type buildings in developing areas where people can pay for the internet access they use and also giving tutorials, enabling them to learn about the technology and then putting it into practise. Another idea I think should be put into place is that small communities that have old computers or technology such as mobile phones that they no longer want should sell them at a lower price to enable people to use them and gain jobs and prospects for their lives. As long as they are not wanted, they could hugely benefit those who do not have any technology.

The benefits from narrowing the divide are clear: people are given a chance to use technology which can hugely improve their lifestyle. Although some in developing countries are not given the most luxurious computers or the fastest internet connection speed, they are offered a chance to try the internet and witness its benefits. Closing this divide also means closing the gaps between people and making people connected; those in foreign countries to the rest of the world and especially those who live locally, who can be reunited with family members and loved ones by using Skype and emailing. Everyone is given an opportunity to learn more about technology and be able to use it; this means that future generations will most likely follow these footsteps and everyone will remain connected. It could also mean that we learn more about other cultures who can then broadcast their views and thoughts online. Although, there are many drawbacks to closing the divide, just as there are benefits. Money must be spent by the different Governments of the countries needing technology and the people involved in getting the technology to use. Using the internet isn’t cheap nor is purchasing a computer to use it on, which means that money must be spent and to those who are unemployed and out of work, or those disabled who cannot work, this is difficult. Many tutorials to teach people to use the internet are complicated and can confuse those without a good understanding of it already such as the elderly. Some people simply don’t want to use the internet or be involved in technology; many are scared of it and some just don’t see a purpose in it: persuading these groups to change their views about technology will be difficult and it is nearly certain that they will not want to use the technology, even if given the chance.

References: (powerpoints)